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What’s in store for 2020


For everyone working in the VET sector, 2020 is sure to bring us lots of review, reform and change.

In August 2019, the COAG Industry Skills Council (CISC) was replaced by the COAG Skills Council.  At their second meeting in November, they added treats to the Christmas Stocking immediately fast tracking four pieces of foundational work:

  • a review of VET Student Loans to ensure parity of access for students across Australia. 

  • on the use of micro-credentials in the national VET system to better respond to student and job-need while preserving the importance of nationally-recognised full qualifications.

  • on quality and reforms to the Standards for Registered Training Organisations to move the system of regulation from its focus on compliance to focus on excellence in training. 

  • streamlining training packages to deliver more relevant skills for industry and individuals through immediate actions to make the current system faster, simpler and better. This will include immediate action to identify and remove all outdated and unused qualifications to improve the relevance and accessibility of the training system.

And there was more under the tree – with the wrap up of the co-design workshops around Australia.  The three co-design initiatives are:

  • The National Skills Commission, which will oversee the Australian Government’s investment in the VET system and promote a nationwide approach to skills forecasting. 
  • two Skills Organisations pilots, will trial new approaches to industry leadership to help improve the national training system for both industry and students. The pilots will be in the key future job markets of human services care, and digital technologies (including cyber security).

  • the National Careers Institute, established in July 2019, to provide leadership in the delivery of high quality, evidence-based career development to help Australians make informed decisions about their learning, training and work pathways. This workshop will examine how the Institute can most effectively achieve its purpose.

So, the one thing we can be sure of – there’s major change coming to Vocational Education.  So make 2020 the year that you focus on professional development and excellence.  

Our TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment covers all the latest information in the VET sector so our students have a robust understanding and the confidence to implement best practice.

 A great way for you to add good quality readings to your professional development is at

Resources listed are a mix of free and for purchase and are categorised as 'research' or 'focus on practice'.

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