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VET trainers

Proving Your Currency: Staying Compliant Under the 2025 RTO Standards

As a trainer in the VET industry, you are required to demonstrate currency in your professional practice as a trainer/assessor.  

This document should list all the professional development activities relating to VET or education that you have participated in over the last 12 months.  

Professional Development Activities for Training and Assessment (T&A)

Activities may include but are not limited to:

  • Education workshops and formal training
  • Meetings, networking functions
  • Conferences, webinars
  • RTO VET Team Meetings
  • Workshops – assessment, validation
  • Companion Volumes – reading of (
  • Vocational Placement in a training role
  • Memberships, e.g., ASQA, TAC, VRQA, your State Training Authority, the Jobs and Skill Australia, Jobs and Skills Councils for TAE, etc.
  • Subscriptions to VET related bodies e.g., from ASQA, the State Training Authority, etc.
  • Linked In (RTO related pages)
  • YouTube, TED Talks, or other Videos

Please note that this does not include professional development activities undertaken to maintain currency in your industry or vocational area, e.g., hospitality, health, fitness, etc.

Subscription to VET Related websites/organisations

The websites listed below provide a great range of resources for you to investigate to maintain your Training and Assessment currency.  

Subscribing to these sites is useful in maintaining evidence of currency as you will receive regular updates to keep you up to date with what is happening in the world of VET.

You should also find the Jobs and Skills Council (JSC) for the Training Package you will be using and subscribe to the JSC’s newsletter to ensure you keep up to date with changes within your industry.  To find the JSC - use - go to your Training Package - and scroll down to the Training Package developer - then click on the link to their website.

Training and Assessment Industry Training Package Developer is the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) – Technical Reference Group,

Remember, you need to take screenshots of each of the pages you have visited and copy these into a document, to demonstrate you have accessed or subscribed to a range of useful information.

TIP: Make sure you record details of all activities and websites you subscribe to in you PD Register and/or Trainer Profile.

ASQA Article

How can I demonstrate that I have maintained the currency of my industry skills and my trainer/ assessor competencies?


Other useful websites to add to your subscriptions:

ASQA – Focus on Compliance

Focus on compliance | Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA)

Vocational Education and Learning Group (VELG)


Ideas that Work (LLN video series)

Newbery Consulting

VDC News

Skills Education

TAFE Directors Australia

The Educator

The Pie Weekly

Digital Promise


Vocational Currency activities could include the following:

  • Conferences (Industry)
  • Workshops
  • Trade shows
  • Talk to industry/suppliers
  • Magazines/ Industry Journals
  • Sales Brochures/websites
  • Service Skills Organisation for your industry
  • Companion Volumes for your Training Package
  • Working in industry
  • Watching relevant YouTube or other industry related videos 
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