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Change ahead

The long awaited draft of the new TAE4a0122 has arrived

For the trainers of trainers in the VET sector, the last week has been abuzz with what’s new for TAE40122. The proposed new qualification requirements could impact trainers and assessors currently working in the sector and those with future aspirations include working in vocational education and training.

At a glance, many people will be pleased to see the unit TAEASS502 Design and develop assessment tools removed as a core unit.  This change reflects what happens in most RTOs, where the development of the tools are done by specialist or senior trainers, not by the person who has just joined the RTO or just gained their TAE.

Thankfully – there’s still a strong emphasis placed on the need for all assessors to know how to unpack a unit of competency, understand the complexity of the unit and then be able to customise the assessment tools and plan that is relevant to their clients.


A couple of questions to ask

? Why has the terminology RPL been removed from both the Assess competence and the Design and develop assessment tools units? 

Is this in recognition that RPL is an assessment method and therefore doesn’t need special mention?  Since RPL is now included with all other assessment methods – observations, projects, tests, case studies etc, it will be important to ensure Assessors still understand and develop the skills for Recognition of Prior Learning.

Strong trainers of trainers will make sure they provide a robust program that ensures that all assessors have a thorough understanding of the Principles of Assessment and the Rules of Evidence.  Skills recognition is an important factor of adult learning and the Australian VET sector.

? There seems to be a lot of future proofing with the wording of the units e.g. – “or their successors”, particularly around frameworks – ACSF, DLSF, CSFW and ESF.  Are there more changes coming to these frameworks?

Great to see terms such as “universal design principles” and “target group characteristics – including foundation skill levels and previous learning and work experience”, and “advanced and other complex learning needs”

? What’s happened to “Nationally Recognised Training”?

The term “accredited vocational training is used in both TAEDES411 and TAEDES412.  The units also refer to either accredited courses or endorsed training package qualifications.  Upon checking the ASQA website, NCVER and google searches, the terminology “Accredited vocational training” only appears in Victorian government funding documents.


The big picture

The new qualification – TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment – will be the entry-level vocational teacher, trainer, and assessor requirement. It supersedes TAE40116 and is equivalent to TAE40116. All advice from the Skills Service Organisation and the Industry Reference Committee, is that those who hold the TAE40116 will still meet the requirements for Trainers and Assessors under the Standards for RTOs. 

More importantly, this qualification TAE40122 provides the skills and knowledge to meet the training and assessment credential required of trainers and assessors operating without supervision by the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). The qualification is a successor to TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.


And the detail

There are 12 units in the new qualification (so a little more work for those just starting out) and this is made up of 7 core units and 5 electives.

The elective streams provide opportunity for trainers to develop more relevant and specific skills in their particular area.  This might include training and assessment, learner support or quality and compliance.

Something that always surprises me, is that people think the Cert IV is the end of the story –however, when you start your journey as an educator in Vocational Education and Training – this is just the beginning.  RTOs and VET professionals have a responsibility to ensure engagement in ongoing professional development relevant to training and assessment practices, along with maintaining competency and currency in the technical and industry skills they are delivering.  There are many units within the new qualifications that will provide new learnings for VET professionals.  And don’t forget there are pathways to Diplomas and Bachelor or higher qualifications in adult learning.

Overall, change will be both challenging and rewarding for those who love lifelong learning and dedicated trainers will continue to grow organically from being around other professionals and working with great RTOs.

Read more about the draft changes at:

The second draft is due at the end of July 2022 if all goes to plan. Please visit our Blog for updates as they occur.

We look forward to assisting your TAE journey at Blueprint Career Development. See you soon.



Jenny Field

Senior TAE trainer and assessor

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