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VET Funding

We’d rather not bore you with too much information about funding because it can get very confusing and changes regularly.  Basically, the Federal and State Governments allocate funding for the provision of vocational training that targets specific skills or qualifications. All government funding is subject to eligibility criteria and focusses on specific learner groups, often those people who are at highest risk of being dependent on government benefits and payments.

In order to work out if you are eligible to receive free or subsidised training, you need to:

  • Find out if the qualification you aspire to is funded and how
  • See if you meet the eligibility requirements specific to the funding

We can help you locate the information you need and guide you through the crazy maze of funding and eligibility.  It is important to carefully consider your options before committing to a training course under any funding arrangement as this may exhaust your entitlement to further subsidised training.

Having established a reputation for quality and recognition as a "preferred provider" and “pre-qualified supplier”, Blueprint Career Development proudly holds several funding contracts.  

We are proud to be a Queensland Government Skills Assure supplier for Certificate 3 Guarantee and User Choice Funding.

Vet In Schools

When nationally recognised Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications are delivered to students while they are at school, it is called VETiS.  VET is learning which is directly related to work and employment.    
Students can undertake VET at school:

Blueprint Career Development has agreements with many schools in Queensland to provide a Certificate II in Hospitality free of charge to students during school time. Achievement is recorded on each participating students' senior certificate and they also receive a qualification and transcript from Blueprint Career Development.

For more information on the VETiS funding, CLICK HERE

The number of agreements we have with Queensland Schools, both public and private, increases each year as schools spread the word about the positive teacher and student experience with us.

If you are an individual student interested in studying hospitality with us, talk to the Head of Senior Schooling, RTO Manager, VET Coordinator, Guidance Officer or Career Counsellor in your school.

Certificate 3 Guarantee

For eligible Queenslanders, the Government will provide subsidised training in one certificate level III qualification.  This allows greater choice, more contestability and training delivery that better aligns with student needs.  To be eligible for the Certificate 3 Guarantee, a participant must not hold or be undertaking a certificate III level or higher qualification unless the qualification was completed while at school.  

Participants must also:

Blueprint Career Development can offer the following qualifications under the Queensland Government Skills Assure Certificate 3 Guarantee funding:

1.    BSB30120 Certificate III in Business   
2.    SIT30622 Certificate III in Hospitality   
3.    SIT20322 Certificate II in Hospitality   
4.    SIT20122 Certificate II in Tourism   

You can find more information on the Certificate 3 Guarantee funding, CLICK here.

How much will you pay?

The government will pay a portion of the training costs for your course directly to Blueprint Career Development.  Students are required to pay a co-contribution fee of $5.00 per unit (non-concessional) or $2.50 (Concessional)

User Choice Traineeships

Traineeships are a combination of "earning and learning" and can be offered to new and existing staff in a range of qualifications. The Australian Government funds the employers of eligible trainees up to $4000 per person. In addition, the Queensland Government funds the training costs for eligible trainees which may include new staff (employed for less than 3 months full time or 12 months part time) and school based trainees.

Nominal hours are determined using the NCVER Nominal Hours calculator or the Victorian Purchasing Guide. Nominal hours are checked quarterly.

Blueprint Career Development holds a User Choice contract so is able to access funding for training costs incurred by eligible trainees in BSB30120 Certificate III in Business and SIT30622 Certificate III in Hospitality. Students are required to pay a co-contribution fee of $1.60 per nominal hour per unit of competency.

School Based Trainees are not required to pay a co-contribution fee while they are still at school but may be required to pay fees once their training contract has been converted to full-time or part-time post school.

Prior to enrolment, we will provide you details on all fees and charges, including full costs, method of collection, refunds, and exemptions

Blueprint Career Development can offer the following qualifications as traineeships:

1.    BSB30120 Certificate III in Business   
2.    SIT30622 Certificate III in Hospitality   

To find out more about traineeships in Queensland, click here.

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